About Heating Planet

The planet is heating up. How much? How fast? In the media, you'll read that the planet is, on average, about 1° Celsius warmer than a century ago. You'll also read that the landmasses are getting warmer faster than the oceans. But these are only averages, they miss the details.

While there many interesting visualizations available on the Internet, I missed one that was actually interactive. I wanted to click on any part of the globe and see how its temperature evolved over time myself.

This website is my own attempt at understanding better the dynamics of our heating planet through data analysis and visualization.

DISCLAIMER:I am NOT a meteorologist / climate scientist.

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About the Author

Daniel Voigt Godoy is a data scientist, developer, speaker, writer, and teacher. He is the author of the “Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step” series of books, and he has taught machine learning and distributed computing technologies at Data Science Retreat, the longest-running Berlin-based bootcamp for several years, helping more than 150 students advance their careers.

He has been a speaker at the Open Data Science Conference since 2019, delivering PyTorch and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) workshops for beginners. Daniel is also the main contributor of HandySpark, a Python package developed to allow easier data exploration using Apache Spark.

His professional background includes 20 years of experience working for companies in several industries: banking, government, fintech, retail, and mobility. He won four consecutive awards (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015) at the prestigious Prêmio do Tesouro Nacional (Brazilian’s National Treasury Award).